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How to improve a model?

This document provides advice on how to improve the quality, speed, and size of a YDF model. The amount of improvement will vary depending on the dataset. In some cases, the changes will be minor, while in others, they may be significant. It is not possible to know in advance how much improvement a given change will produce.

This guide is divided in two chapters: Optimizing model quality and optimizing model speed. In most cases, improving the model quality will also make it larger and slower, and vice versa. In other words, the predictive quality of a model is generally tied to its size.

Having a basic understanding of how decision forests work is useful to optimize them. For more information, please refer to Google's Decision Forests class.

The hyper-parameter page lists and explains the available hyper-parameters.

Random Forest or Gradient Boosted Trees?

Random Forests (RF) and Gradient Boosted Trees (GBT) are two different algorithms for training decision forests. Each algorithm has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. At a high level, RFs are less prone to overfitting than GBTs, making them a good choice for small datasets and datasets with a large number of input features. On the other hand, GBTs learn more efficiently than RFs. Additionally, GBT models are often much smaller and allow for faster inference than comparable RF models.

When optimizing for speed, use GBT. When optimizing for quality, both algorithms should be tested.

Warning: Both algorithms have hyperparameters in common, such as the number of trees and the maximum tree depth. However, these hyperparameters play a different role in each algorithm and should be tuned accordingly. For example, the maximum tree depth of a GBT is typically between 3 and 8, while it is rarely less than 16 in an RF.

Optimizing model quality

Automated hyper-parameter tuning

Automated hyperparameter tuning is a simple but expensive solution to improve the quality of a model. When full hyper-parameter tuning is too expensive, combining hyper-parameter tuning and manual tuning is a good solution.

See the Tuning notebook for details.

Hyper-parameter templates

The default hyperparameters of YDF learners are set to reproduce the originally published algorithms,a new methods are always disabled by default.

As such, default parameters are not optimized for performance, which can lead to reasonable, but not optimal, results. To benefit from the latest YDF algorithm without having understood those hyper-parameters and without having to run hyper-parameter tuning, YDF have pre-configured hyper-parameter templates.

The hyper-parameter templates are available by calling hyperparameter_templates on a learner.

# List the available templates for the GBT learner.
templates = ydf.GradientBoostedTreesLearner.hyperparameter_templates()

# Use the "better_defaultv1" template:
learner = ydf.GradientBoostedTreesLearner(**templates["better_defaultv1"], ...)

Hyper-parameter templates are also available on the Hyper-parameter page. Note that different learners have different templates.

Increase the number of trees

The num_trees parameter controls the number of trees in the model. Increasing the number of trees often improve the quality of the model. By default, YDF trains models with 300 trees. For high quality models, using 1000 or even more trees is sometimes valuable.

Note: When training a gradient boosted trees model with early stopping (the default behavior), early stopping may reduce the number of trees in the model to a value less than "num_trees".

Use oblique trees

By default, trees are "orthogonal" or "axis aligned", that is, each split/condition tests a single feature. By opposition, conditions in oblique trees can use multiple features. Oblique splits generally improve performances by are slower to train.

Oblique trees are more expensive to train. The num_projections_exponent parameter plays an important role in the training time and final model quality (1 is cheap, 2 is better but more expensive). See SparseObliqueSplit in the DecisionTreeTrainingConfig for more details.

learner = ydf.RandomForestLearner(

Random Categorical splits (GBT and RF)

By default, categorical splits are learned with the CART categorical algorithm. The Random categorical algorithm is another solution that can improve the model performances at the expense of model size.

learner = ydf.RandomForestLearner(categorical_algorithm="RANDOM", ...)

Reduce shrinkage [GBT only]

The "shrinkage", sometimes referred to as the "learning rate", determines how quickly a GBT model learns. Learning slowly can improve the model quality. shrinkage defaults to 0.1. You can try 0.05 or 0.02.

Other impactful hyper-parameters for GBT

While all hyperparameters and can improve the model's quality, some hyperparameters have a greater impact than others. In addition to the parameters mentioned above, the following are the most important parameters for GBT:

  • use_hessian_gain (default False). For example try use_hessian_gain=True.
  • max_depth (default 6). For example try max_depth=5.
  • num_candidate_attributes_ratio (default 1). For example try num_candidate_attributes_ratio=0.9.
  • min_examples (default 5). For example try min_examples=10.
  • growing_strategy (default "LOCAL"). For example try growing_strategy="BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL".

Note: When training a model with growing_strategy=LOCAL (default), it is often beneficial to tune the max_depth parameter (default 6). When training a model with growing_strategy=BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL, it is best to leave max_depth unconstrained (default -1) and tune the max_num_nodes parameter instead.

Disabling the validation dataset (GBT only)

By default, if not validation dataset is provided, the Gradient Boosted Trees learner extracts 10% of the training dataset to build a validation dataset to control early stopping (i.e. stop the training when the model start to overfit).

For both small datasets and large datasets, it might be good to use all the data for training (and therefore disable early-stopping). In this case, the num_trees parameter should be tuned.

learner = ydf.GradientBoostedTreesLearner(validation_ratio=0.0, ...)

Warning: Disabling early stopping may cause the model to overfit. To avoid this, first run your training with early stopping to determine the optimal number of trees. For instance, if early stopping never triggers before the end of training, you can probably disable it (and use the extra data for training). If early stopping always triggers close to a given number of trees, you might also do the same. Keep in mind that changing any other hyperparameter will require you to retest the behavior of early stopping.

Optimizing model speed (and size)

The speed and size of a model is constrained by the number of input features, number of trees and average depth of the trees.

You can measure the inference speed of a model with the benchmark method.


Example of results

Inference time per example and per cpu core: 0.702 us (microseconds)
Estimated over 441 runs over 3.026 seconds.
* Measured with the C++ serving API. Check model.to_cpp() for details.

Switch from a Random Forest to a Gradient Boosted Trees

Random Forest models are much larger and slower than Gradient Boosted trees. When speed is important, use Gradient Boosted trees models.

# Before
learner = ydf.RandomForestLearner(...)

# After
learner = ydf.GradientBoostedTreesLearner(...)

Reduce the number of trees

The num_trees parameter controls the number of trees in the model. Reducing this parameter will decrease the size of the model at the expense of the model quality.

Note: When training a gradient boosted trees model with early stopping (the default behavior), early stopping may reduce the number of trees in the model to a value less than "num_trees".

When training with a growing_strategy="BEST_FIRST_GLOBAL", it is best to not limit the maximum number of trees and to optimize max_num_nodes instead.

Remove model debugging data

YDF models include metadata for model interpretation and debugging. This metadata is not used for model inference and can be discarded to reduce the model size. Removing this data will typically reduce the model size by ~50%. Removing this data does not improve the model's speed.

To train a model without metadata, set the learner constructor argument pure_serving_model=True.

learner = ydf.GradientBoostedTreesLearner(pure_serving_model=True, ...)

If using the CLI API, the meta-data can be removed with the edit_model CLI tool:

# Remove the meta-data from the model
./edit_model --input=/tmp/model_with_metadata --output=/tmp/model_without_metadata --pure_serving=true

# Look at the size of the model
du -h /tmp/model_with_metadata
du -h /tmp/model_without_metadata

Set winner_take_all_inference=False with Random Forests

The winner_take_all_inference parameter of the Random Forest learner is set to True by default. This ensures that by default, the YDF Random Forest is equivalent to the original random forest by Breiman.

However, in many cases winner_take_all=False can reduce the size and improve the quality of a Random Forest model.

learner = ydf.RandomForestLearner(winner_take_all=False, ...)

Set maximum_model_size_in_memory_in_bytes=...

The maximum_model_size_in_memory_in_bytes parameter controls the maximize size of the model in RAM. By setting this value, you can control the final size of the model.

The size of the model in RAM can be larger than the size of the model on disk. The RAM used to load the model corresponds to the size of the model in RAM. Before running model inference, the model is compiled into a generally smaller format.

# Model limited to 10GB
learner = ydf.RandomForestLearner(maximum_model_size_in_memory_in_bytes=10e+9, ...)

Different learning algorithms enforce the maximum size differently.

Increase shrinkage [GBT only]

The "shrinkage", sometimes referred to as the "learning rate", determines how quickly a GBT model learns. Learning too quickly typically results in inferior results but produces smaller, faster-to-train, and faster-to-run models. shrinkage defaults to 0.1. You can try 0.15 or event 0.2.